Sunday, October 19, 2008

Weekend Planning Thoughts

I love the idea of Collaborative Units at Monkey Manor. She also calls it the IMIUAWGA (”I Make it Up as We Go Along”) Method.

I guess this is what we do too. I made this form to help me with retrieval. Also, Maureen Wittman offers this Unit Checklist (pdf) (HT: Mary M.) and there is also this KONOS unit planner at Sprittibee's.

I am trying something new -- jotting down notes and links on a google documents page that automatically updates (hopefully). Here are Notes for Year 1. Right now it is a bunch of Waldorf-related links. It somehow occurred to me that some of the Waldorf ideas for bilaterality, like finger-knitting and form drawing would tie into Aidan's occupational therapy goals. And Paddy could probably use the help, too.

And one more thought -- all the Waldorf reading reminded me of how much I like beautiful things. If I had my dream homeschool, it would combine simplicity and order with beauty -- small order, right? Anyway, I want to ponder the thought that teaching is first of all an art, and the days when things go best are the days I try to "encounter" my kids (to use an embarrasingly over-employed quasi-religious term) rather than either back off totally or jump in totally. I think that is what I get from that "collaborative" term, which I've also seen compared in attachment parenting literature to a kind of "dance". With dancing, even missteps can be OK and relationship-building.

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