Morning Reading:
- a few chapters of Despereaux
- a section from Christ the King on the Spanish Armada
- more of The Lady of Shalott
- I also read several stories to Paddy from an anthology, while Kieron made cookies.
Then there was an extended break of a sort while I found some Mad Libs for Kieron and he played them (Language Arts). Then Paddy wanted to do some. I hung around for a while and then I took a bath.
Review/Study with Kieron:
- MEP chapter 9 -- Areas and Perimeters, 9.1 and 9.2
- Latin -- answering questions on yesterday's reading, in Latin. Discussed ablative
- History -- review questions on the Babylonian Captivity
- Science -- more review -- we've finished Unit 2.
- Grammar -- "Why the English Language is So Hard to Learn"
- Handwriting -- I forgot to mention that yesterday so I'll put it on here today.
Thus concludes Week 11.
This weekend my project will have to be writing out some questions I think he will be able to narrate upon.
Aidan worked with his word box and with number matching.
Object of Interest for the Day (Aidan):

This is the garage door light. Aidan has become fascinated with it. He goes out into the (icy cold) garage to admire it. Brendan took the picture for him.
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