Today was sort of a different day. The washing machine broke down so it was a priority to get it fixed, and the firewood guy called to say this was the day he was going to be up in our area. Since they were coming in the afternoon, Kevin and I rescheduled our semi-daily walk for the morning. And then Liam called, as well.
So we had our morning reading -- The Story of Scarface from Book of Virtues, and then Bruce and the Spider (a poetic version).
Then I set Kieron to do his independent reading while we walked:
- Bible History
- Dancing Horses of Acoma
- He Went with Vasco de Gama
- Usborne Book of Discovery pp 134-5 on Magellan and circumnavigation.
- Later in the afternoon, we did some more graphing and a few division problems for math.
- Then Greek -- reading vocabulary words that I found over here. Even though they are for Mounce and we aren't using it, there is a certain amount of overlap because all the koine Greek programs draw from a similar vocabulary for obvious reasons.
Paddy is starting to voluntarily try to read things that he comes across in his environment.
Next week is review week and then a break for our family reunion. Can't believe we are already almost 1/6 through the school year.
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