Also, he did 2 lessons of Greek, read a section of CS Lewis Mere Christianity (I think we will stop here at the end of the third book; the fourth book is more doctrinal and I think will be too much to assimilate), went over decimals with me (most of the work he is bringing with him is review on decimals so I gave him a refresher course) .
We discussed the CS Lewis chapter. He has started narrating spontaneously, perhaps in self-defense so he doesn't have to write notes? But he has daily notes/journal assignments in his checklist for his trip. (I am a mean mom, no?)
He also did the grammar/usage worksheet on the back of the decimals worksheet, for fun.
The kids are supposed to do their weekly jobs before we go, and straighten their rooms/areas.
Aidan worked on his pink cards. Then Sean and Kieron played a concentration game with the cards.
Then Kieron sat down with a Brainquest quiz game. Pretty soon all the older kids were quizzing each other. Then they started playing cards, and I came upstairs to think about the progym.
Here's Sean's checklist -- we will see how it goes!
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