Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Day 27


  • Algebra
  • Latin (he just finished the second chapter of Henle -- so we're doing a bit of review).
  • Greek and Vocabulary.
  • I gave him a retelling of Don Quixote and he read a good bit of it.
  • Football practice tonight and he has been given some exercises which he is supposed to do three times daily for rehab.


  • Math -- multiplying and review of addition.
  • Latin -- review.
  • I am not sure if he got Greek and handwriting in.
  • I gave him Lovely Lady Dressed in Blue today to read (Clare and I were having an abortion-related discussion and that reminded me I wanted to have Kieron read this book).
  • also, gave him In Search of a Homeland which he is reading now (retelling of the Aeneid, and fits in with his Rome interest and with the exploration theme.


I was reading Reading Reflex -- about remedial as well as introductory reading. The method used is rather similar to Montessori, with the word-building. Anyway, I think I will try to use it for a while -- the first exercise is for me to sound out words like this D..O...G... with intervals between the sounds, and then ask the child to guess what word is being sounded out. This is where Aidan is stuck at 100 EZ Lessons -- with the "say it fast" skill. He just isn't able to do it, probably because of his auditory processing deficits (he is deaf in one ear and has motor processing problems) So this game, which we can do any time we are together, hopefully will help with that.

We did that for a while, and then some of his physical therapy exercises, and also some handwriting.
(He had physical therapy yesterday and got some exercises to work on at home, too)

Paddy -- I read him another Tintin, and yesterday we read for about an hour at his bedtime.

Yesterday was so extremely busy, running all over town, and this afternoon I have to bring the dog down to the vet for shots--- which is anxiety producing for me in a big way -- this week and next week are anti-procrastination week -- trips to the dentist, and all kinds of miserable things. So homeschool may be a bit more cursory for a little while.

things to remember:

  • Tomorrow is Saint Francis's feast day (so get out the books) and next Monday is Columbus Day (which fits in with our geography theme) so maybe print out some maps to trace his journey.
  • I want to start teaching Kieron to knit, since we've been skimping on the hands-on side of homeschooling recently. It would also be interesting to do a bit more with watercolors -- perhaps a map or some borders to a drawing.
  • Also, in the works are teaching some piano and music theory.
  • I intend to take the younger set on a Nature Walk just as soon as I get this typed.

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