Monday, February 19, 2007

Sunday Planning

I have been in research mode this weekend. So I am listing the links in topical form just in case anyone else can get anything out of them (and also, this blog is my brain in cyberspace where it can’t be fried by electric surges or hormonal fluctuations).


Montessori Atriums:

I am not ready to set up an atrium but I think the younger set in this household would find it worthwhile if I collected some of the many religious resources we have around here and figured out how to make them accessible.

Stations of the Cross

I was looking for some images that I could print out to put around the house in some form.

These black and white images are the ones I like best for that purpose.

However, here are some other Stations with more or less fine art that I found — most are cyber-stations. I hope to go through some of them myself this Lent.

Maps of Jerusalem — including one showing where the actual Stations took place.

Also, someone on the Real Learning board had the idea of making Stations of the Cross Grottoes — I expect this idea is a bit beyond my crafting ability but I thought it was neat.


American Sign Language

ASL Lifeprints site this looks like a good one with free materials — I’m going to start with the First 100 Signs.

I have a book called Handsigns: A Sign Language Alphabet which I got for Aidan but which I have ended up reading mostly to Paddy. I am planning to go through a letter or two a week with all the younger boys. I am thinking that handsigns MIGHT be reinforcement for Aidan in learning to read. That was what started him talking, I think. I would sign AND talk to him. He never learned expressive sign but the slower pace of my verbal language plus the manual reinforcement seemed to help with his praxis difficulties and suddenly he took off. (The other thing I did was use a DK type word dictionary plus verbal language and so I’m wondering now if a little picture dictionary might help with the reading — well, we’ll see).