- Johny Tremain.
- Creed in Slow Motion "conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary" -- first half of chapter.
- George Washington's World, up to page 28, narrated
- Ways of the Wood Folk, first half of Fox-Ways, commented.
- The Boy Scientist, first 6 pages of Newton's Laws of Motion (chapter 4), commented. This book may run into next year.
- Tennyson, poem #3.
- I'm setting up his math now.
- Golden Bible, Noah -- the ark, and the flood
- Paddle to the Sea, chapters 3 and 4.
- 3 poems from Child's Garden of Verses
- He told me about a birthday toy and I wrote it down and had him read it back.
- He talked about his Dad going off to town and I wrote it down (3 sentences) and then we went over it a couple of times using phonetic principles.
- He's in a mood -- doesn't like Daddy being gone.
- Mick Malone and Robbie O'Connell -- Irish folk songs.
Year 1 Schedule (MS Word 2007)

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