I uploaded it in 2 doc forms:
Microsoft 2007
Microsoft 1997 -2003
- Today Kieron read up to page 14 in George Washington's World.
- He also read several pages of the Introduction to Bulfinch.
- He read a Tennyson poem.
- He did math (angles -- he had surprising difficulty -- usually everything is easy for him).
- I read him another page of Romulus.
- Sleeping Beauty
- The Elephant's Child
- Gingham Dog and Calico Cat
- Macavity
- The Fairy Who Didn't Believe in Children
(all from some sort of anthology of good childrens' stories -- we also read a section of My Father's Dragon which inspired Paddy to go dig out the complete versions by Ruth Gannet that we have around here -- so now he wants me to read those).
Paddy knows how to "add ten" --- and I had him do a bit of spelling from SWR.
- Wrote numbers with my help.
- A "together story" -- at the doctor's office -- write and reread.
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