Sunday, May 18, 2008

Speech Language Goals

I thought I would brainstorm a bit on here about story sequences. Aidan's speech teacher said that she felt one of the goals for him next year ought to be ability to sequence. Interestingly, I found when I worked with him at home that he CAN sequence verbally with concrete processes. He told me the steps in how to make a graham cracker sandwich.

First, you put peanut butter on the graham cracker
Then you put on the vanilla chips
Then you put on the chocolate chips
Then you eat it!
(What do you put the peanut butter on the cracker with? A KNIFE!)

What he apparently can't do right now is put a picture story in order. I do not really know if this is sheer lack of interest, or if there is a layer of abstraction there that is too much for him.

Anyway, here are a few links

MOre general links:

You know, now that I'm thinking about it I bet part of the reason that he was so unable to sequence correctly -- when in theory he is capable of it -- is that he didn't have a chance to make a real connection between the pictures and the idea of a story process.

I probably would have picked up on that faster if I had been more engaged in the process than I was.

In light of that, it seems like there are several ways I could encourage sequencing.

  1. Narration -- read a story and help him tell it back. Simplest and possibly most key.
  2. Take photos of pictures from books he likes (since I don't have a scanner) and ask him to put them in order, first using the book as a guide, then having him do it on his own.
  3. Have him tell a story or something he did, then draw pictures (or take pictures of something he is doing), then have him put them in order.

Here are some lists of language and listening milestones for Kindergarten and first grade -- I'm going to print them off and check the ones he already knows. Most are PDFs.

Some more:

How do SLPs plan treatment?
Motor planning -- praxis
Dyspraxia and Learning

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