Sunday, April 27, 2008

Starter Plans for Year 7

I found a US History Timeline here at Wikipedia.

Kieron is my only older student next year, so I think I will use this or something like it as an outline and then fill it out with work from a variety of resources. I have a lot of them around the house.

I was thinking of trying Ray’s Higher Arithmetic with him but now that I am looking through it I’m afraid it will be too complicated, since the terminology is different from what I grew up with. Still, possibly…. also, there is an internet math for seventh grade here at AAAMath, and the Internet Classroom here to give me an idea of what to cover.

If I get too nervous I can resort to Key to…Workbooks and let him sort of pick and choose.

Latin — we’ll just continue Henle & Latina Christiania.
Greek — not sure whether to use Basic Greek in 30 Minutes a Day, or continue with Hey Andrew. Hey Andrew is so slow.

For Grammar, I want to get better acquainted with KISS this summer, continuing to use it with Daily Grammar.

For books in general related to history and literature, there is Mater Amabilis Level 3.

Does that cover the basics? I’ll continue to use Spell to Read and Write sporadically for word analysis.

Logic — either Traditional Logic, or Introductory Logic.

Writing will be the progymnasmata. In one form or another. I think I will work mostly on designing language arts & composition this summer.