Friday, September 14, 2007

Day 15

I'm starting to record in the learning log the evening before since a lot of times, the little ones seem to do a lot more in the afternoon and evening than they do in the mornings (at least, that I notice).


  • Practiced in 100 Ez lessons (review)
  • Played with HWT letterforms and made letter shapes
  • Drew in his preschool shape book


  • Played with HWT forms
  • Listened to a lot of stories (several times, yesterday)


  • Played outside
  • Listened to music and sang with Clare (Irish folk ballads)
  • Looked through their math books and tried to draw numbers and talk "math language"


  • Greek and Vocabulary
  • Algebra (chapter review)
  • Latin (review exercise 20 -- I had him write some of them-- I think I will do this every Friday)
  • (He was a bit slow today -- in pain from leg)
  • Finished Starswarm -- discussed abrupt ending with me.

I think I'm going to give him The Family that Overtook Christ and Lord of the World

(actually got his work done before Sean today -- he wrote a Bionicle "epic" yesterday and wanted to finish it up today).

  • Math -- place value
  • Latin -- Quia
  • Greek
  • Geoegraphy -- we discussed the questions at the end of the chapter.
  • I gave him Wind in the Willows to read.
  • He is talking on the phone with a friend right now, and later I am taking the younger kids to Homeschool group. He also was mostly responsible for making a fire this morning.
I have been reading the TJE Home Companion. It is not really my type of book. But I liked the idea of designing Home Skills "courses" -- really pretty much like the CHC Pilgrims of the Holy Family. ...only customized to the family. I can see doing something like that since home skills don't come naturally to me and I'd like the kids to be more up to speed on that than I was.

I am looking over Progym stuff trying to get the writing curriculum off the ground for this year.


  1. Willa, can't wait to see your ideas for the Progym. I am very drawn to it and have done some things on my own with the kids. I have CW but find it is too detailed for my brain and temperment!

  2. Lene, who co-wrote the Classical Writing curriculum, wrote an early version of her progym which is online --here
    (hope that html tag works) -- maybe you've seen it already, but I thought it was nice and not quite so detailed.

  3. Yes I had read it quite a while ago. But I am going to look at it again tonight while I plan!!

  4. I'll check your blog for your plans (no pressure of course: )). If I can get my own plans in written form (which is always a task for me) I'll put them up on here.
