Monday, September 10, 2007

Day 11

I'm counting last week as two "school days" since the kids did some work on their own while I was gone, and read quite a bit. So that makes today, Day 11.


Math -- started exponents.
Latin,-- Quia today.
He read the first chapter of Faith and Life #6.
Greek -- finished with book One, so I gave him an informal quiz.
Weekly jobs.


Math, --zeroes and ones in Algebra
Latin, --ex 14 -- did well.
Greek, Vocabulary.
Read more of Creator and Creation.
Weekly jobs
Then went off to a doctor's app't with Kevin and is going shopping with him afterwards.


Little Angel Reader
Worked with letter shapes the OT brought -- the HWT circles and lines.
Cut with scissors.
Hung around me generally while I had an organization morning.
Made Rice Krispie squares (with help)
Alphabet Match on Quia


Worked with letter shapes too.
Wanted to make "jelly playdough" since a few days ago I made peanut butter edible playdough. The jelly playdough turned out more like frosting.


Had a happy organizational type day. It's been some time since I've had opportunity to really dig in and do some rearranging for the new school year. Details when I get the photos uploaded.

OT and I talked about Aidan's goals -- determined to focus on fine motor problems and on possible dyspraxia which keeps him from being able to form letters yet. If I concentrate on it I think we could find lots of interesting ways to work on these goals.

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