Thursday, August 23, 2007

Some Printable Forms I Made

Lesson Planning Forms

Daily Overview — I printed out a group of these and bound them in booklet form — I can check off what’s been done and write quick notes as the day progress. Probably not very useful for anyone who doesn’t have my kids’ age breakdown.

A Day Overview left blank for planning.

Weekly Lesson Planning Sheet — this is where I can write out plans and goals for the week.

Course Outline — this is similar format to the weekly planner, but allows me to plan out the big picture of the different courses.

Syllabus Outline — This is a more detailed course syllabus form.

Detailed Syllabus — this has space to write in detailed plans for the syllabus, or to record things after the fact.

12 page calendar

Lesson Planner

I made another booklet with these forms (I printed them out doublesided) which is where I put down notes and plans for the week's work.

This is
a book log form — it has spaces for several books and 20 check-off boxes arranged by weeks so you can check off the days they are read. There is room on the page for 2 students, or for one student to use both parts of the page.

Here are two forms to use with House of Education/Mater Amabilis type curriculum. This one is arranged by the different subject areas and by 3 terms. This one is similar, except that the terms are arranged across two pages so that there is more room to write.

These are all pdfs. I'll try to figure out how to upload them as the original spreadsheets, sometime, so they can be modified.

Review Forms:

Henle Latin 1 — review sheet

1 comment:

  1. Willa, thank you for posting these.. you have inspired me to be more organized. THANKS!!
