Friday, August 24, 2007

Day 4


Henle Latin: more review
Algebra -- lesson 2 -- it was a bit of tough going
Vocabulary lesson 4


Henle Latin -- with Clare
Math -- MCP F -- lesson 2
Spelling (from Writing Road to Reading)


Alphaphonics lesson 1 and 2 -- blending a bit better.


100 Easy Lessons #8-9
Horizons K Math -- coloring

Kieron is printing out coloring pages for the little ones.

Later on we are going to homeschool Stations of the Cross -- so that wraps up our first week of work.

Update and Informal Learning Log:

Stations was cancelled, which made me sad because of Kieron's sadness. He looks forward to seeing his friends all week. Instead we made peanut butter cookies together, and then when Kevin got back from town where Sean was seeing his uncle, a chiropractor, for his muscle tear, --- we went to the lake after dinner. It was spectacular, and so quiet. Clare and I talked about future plans and her reactions to her course of studies so far, and several other things, while the younger boys played in the water.

Oh, and also Clare, who had been pretty sick and miserable this week, took Kieron and Aidan for an "expedition" out in the woods, and later sang Irish drinking songs with him : ) like Wild Rover, which cheered him up quite a bit.

It was nice, but I wish it was easier for Kieron to meet up with his friends. Because a miscarriage came between him and Aidan (we lost twins in mid-gestation) there is 3.5 years between them and 3.5 more years between Aidan and Paddy. Aidan's developmental delays put him closer in level to Paddy than Kieron, and Sean is firmly planted in the teenage world, while Kieron is still a youngish eleven, and a very different type than Sean. Consequently, though there are consolations like Irish songs and trips to the lake, Kieron is lonely in a way the other kids weren't.

(photo, courtesy of my Treo -- it's not good quality, but it gives you a glimpse of the beauty -- we've made plans to go back there again one of these late summer evenings, and maybe we'll bring a "real" camera)

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