We slept in a bit today due to the Daylight Savings Time change yesterday.
9 am I made rolls, started a fire, and some laundry while everyone else got their morning routine done (hmm, looks like the dishwasher isn’t unloaded yet though : (). SEan started his weekly jobs. Looks like Kieron still doesn’t have his done.
10 am Sean did math and copywork while Kieron turned from reading Redwall and eating breakfast. He looked at the Veritas Press History cards and made comments and rearranged them chronologically.
Sean read his Our Life in the Church and then Legends of Chivalry. I told Sean to try mentally summarizing after each paragraph in OLITC, which inspired the question, “What is a paragraph?” I guess there is a homeschool gap there. SO a quick language lesson.
I quizzed them in Latin. It turns out that Sean hasn’t been able to load up Latin Quia and Kieron has been practicing in a different section, so we did a review of lessons 6 to 10. Sean knows them cold and was impatient with the slow pace of Kieron thinking. Kieron knows some of them pretty well and others are a blank. Soon their language paths will have to diverge, I see. I just ordered Henle for Sean since Clare is using our present copy of Henle and they are not expensive.
I read Credo I Believe to Kieron. We discussed it. He always knows what the pictures are showing (Jesus being arrested at the Garden of Gethsemane, by Giotto) which is nice, because I haven’t taught him all that much explicitly in Bible History.
He was interested in the different types of Jews (Pharisees, Zealots, Essenes etc) and compared them to modern-day Christian denominations.
Sean browsed through the VP cards.
about noon
Then they went on to finishing up their jobs. Now they are watching one of Clare’s birthday DVDs (Mr Roberts with James Cagney and Henry Fonda) I started cleaning the kitchen and the bathroom. We are having visitors from the north next week (I HOPE!! they are sick right now!) and also the bright weather is making me conscious of how dusty everything looks, which are both motivators (two motivating posts I have read recently — Oh My by Real Learning and Lenten Cleaning with Bridget by Our Magnum Opus)
Yesterday we were discussing (something?) and I made an error in my syntax which led to an ambiguous statement. Brendan told us those were called amphibolic fallacies and he got out his logic book that he had been reading and read us some more.
He has also been reading lots of history books. We are planning to start working together on his transcript — he is technically a senior in that we count this as his senior year for the records, but I graduated him last year so that he could basically be an autodidact this year. He is our very strong right-brained learner and an unconventional one, and I am learning all sorts of new things about transitioning with him that I didn’t learn when Liam was at that stage.